-A Step For The Welfare Of Another India

Cloth Distribution

Kaarwaa.N regularly organises cloth distrubution programme for needy. Most of the clothes collected from the households in our contact, we also volunteer for those who wants to donate their clothes. Anyone can donate their clothes to help poor.

Current Scenario :

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The moment you stop your car at the traffic red light, you see a dirty looking woman with a child in her arm come running to you or a little boy with running nose banging your car window or a handicapped old man asking for alms. This is a common sight in India.

According to a recent Indian government committee constituted to estimate poverty, nearly 38% of India’s population (380 million) is poor.Even after more than 50 years of Independence India still has the world's largest number of poor people in a single country.

A strong system of incentives and disincentives also needs to be introduced. The encouragement of non-governmental organizations and private sector individuals in tackling poverty is imperative, as the state cannot do everything.

kaarwaa.N always try and takes steps against poverty.

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You might have resources but not everyone.

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Happiness results from what we give.

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Joy multiplies when it is shared.

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Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.

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